
Source code for alebot.plugins.auth

from alebot import Alebot
from functools import wraps

default = Alebot.get_plugin('default')

[docs]def admin_required(f): """ You can decorate the `match` functions of your :class:`Hook` classes with this function. It will assure, that only auth admins can use the command. After verifying this, your normal match will be excuted. """ @wraps(f) def auth_and_match(self, event): config ='auth', {}) if not event.nick or not event.nick in config.get('admins', []): return False return f(self, event) return auth_and_match
[docs]class AdminCommandHook(default.CommandHook): """ Just a shortcut for simple commands that require admin permissions. """ @admin_required def match(self, event): return super(AdminCommandHook, self).match(event)
[docs]class AdminCommandParamHook(default.CommandParamHook): """ Just a shortcut for simple commands that require admin permissions. """ @admin_required def match(self, event): return super(AdminCommandParamHook, self).match(event)
[docs]class AdminManager(object): """ A wrapper around the config file to improve the auth config handling. """
[docs] def check_config(self): """ Make sure that the config section exists. """ if not'auth'):['auth'] = {}
[docs] def add_admin(self, nick): """ Add an admin to the list of admins. """ if not['auth'].get('admins'):['auth']['admins'] = [nick] elif not nick in['auth']['admins']:['auth']['admins'].append(nick) return True
[docs] def delete_admin(self, nick): """ Remove an admin from the list of admins. """ if nick in['auth'].get('admins', []):['auth']['admins'].remove(nick) return True
[docs]class AdminManagementHook(AdminManager, AdminCommandParamHook): """ Add and remove admins via irc commands. """ command = 'admin' def msg_syntax_error(self, event): self.msg(, "The required syntax is: <action> [<nick>]") def call(self, event): print "called." args = event.body.split(' ') if (len(args) < 3): self.msg_syntax_error(event) return action = args[2] self.check_config() if action == 'list': admins = '' for admin in['auth'].get('admins', []): admins += "%s, " % admin admins = admins[:-2] self.msg(, "Admins are: %s" % admins) return if(len(args) < 4): self.msg_syntax_error(event) nick = args[3] if action == 'add': self.add_admin(nick) self.msg(, "%s is now admin." % nick) elif action == 'remove' or action == 'delete': self.delete_admin(nick) self.msg(, "%s is now no admin nomore." % nick) else: self.msg(, "Unknown action: %s" % action)